Thursday, 22 November 2018

dotnet interview question part 2

I am posting dotnet interview question here, which will help those people who are looking for job change

Key skills: ASP.NET, C#, MVC, Web services, WCF, Webapi, AngularJS, OOPS, JQuery, SQL server, algorithm, multithreading, design principal, unit testing and Design Pattern.


What is the use CTE
Isolation level in SQL
Cross join
Any real time example
Innumerable, ICollection, IList
Delegate and events
How to use CORS policy
What new in dotnet core  and dotnet framework
What new in dotnet core 5
Traditional routing vs attributes routing
From body and fromURl which we are using in action parameters
Very good oops concepts
Static class vs singleton
Observer design patterns
Solid principles
What is microservice
How you deploye this
How it will communicate
How to manage transaction in microservice
What is api getaway
HowJWT working
Async await concept with  real example
Service registry
How to remove class conflic if same in one Library and same in your project
Explicit interface
Is vs As operator


What is SOLID,
Use of ARM,
What is server less computing,
Azure functions,
Types of Azure functions and how it works,
Type of storage account,
Use of queue storage,
Suddenly your application down on prod what is your steps,
What type of file we have upload in blob,
Daily work routine,
What is scrum,
How we resolve dependency at runtime in daily work routine,
Project work and structure
1-     HttpModule vs HttpHandler  
2-      Delegate vs Event
3-      Application Pool
4-      WebForm vs WebGarden
5-     Dictionary vs Hash Table
6-     Ienumerable vs IList & IEnumerable vs Iquerable
7-     Delegate Handler in webapi
8-      Routing and its constraint in MVC
9-     Custom Media type formater in webapi
10-   Interface vs Abstract
11-   Property vs Field
12-   constant, readonly, static
13-   Linq group by query, join( inner, left, right)
14-   linq 2nd highest salary from list and from datatable
15-  Filter and filter type in mvc and webapi
16-  order of execution filer
17-  Model validation in mvc
18-  Strongly type view
19-  ViewBag ViewData TempData
20-  GC in details
21-  Dotnet framework, CLR, MSIL
22-   Static and private constructor
23-  Finalize vs dispose
24-  Partial class and partial method
25-  Polymorphism
26-   object, var, dynamic
27-  overriding vs hiding
28-   yield keywork
29-   ref vs out parameter
30-  is vs as keyword
31-   wcf vs Rest service
32-  Pattern program ( triangle, pyramid etc...)
33-   Reverse string ( input : hamid. output dimah ( input hamid ali output   dimah ila)
34-  reverse string from recurson program
35-   pailindrome, prime number program
36-  Singleton, factory, and abstract factory pattern
37-  value type vs reference type
38-   boxing vs unboxing
39-  string is a reference type or value type
40-  object is a reference type or value type
41-   what is extension method
42-   route prefix
43-  static class and static method
44-  Html.Partial vs RenderPartial vs Action vd RenderAction
45-  How to return mutiple model from MVC controller action method
46-  what is the relation among , (automobile, Bike and Engine class)
47-   Keep vs peek method
48-   Generalization vs spacialization,
49-  Association, aggregation, composition
50-  Procedure vs Function
51-  Trigger vs its Type
52-   Cursor vs Its Type
53-  View and synonyms,
54-  SQL Query (row by, group by, join, alter  query)
55-    CTE, tempTable, globaltable
56-  group by query in sql
57-   how will you manage mllions data, if you need to get last    month record
58-   join ( union vs inner join) (inner join vs self join)
59-    Index in sql (cluster vs non cluster)
60-   Magic Table
61-    LAG, LEED function in sql
62-  Page and extend in sql
63-   how to optimize SP-query
64-   dynamic query in sql

1-     sql injection 
2-     sql transaction
3-     SignalR
4-     Multi threading
5-     state management
6-     MIME in webapi
7-     MVC life cycle
8-     Filter
9-     Action Result
10-  Signleton
11-  factory method
12-  int to string
13-  value type vs Ref type
14-  swap 2 value without using 3rd variable
15-  find 2nd largest number from array without using inbuilt fuction
16-  Index (cluster vs non cluster)
17-  Delete and trancate
18-  session are stored in client side or server side
19-  strongly type input control
20-  ActionResult vs ViewResult   : ans
21-  Difference between .ToString() and Convert.ToString()

1-     What is the difference between char, nchar, varchar, and nvarchar in SQL Server?
2-     Session mode
3-     Ajax vs HTTP and $q service.
4-     Master page value to child page
5-     How to work with multiple module
6-     Digest, watch ad apply ( how many watch we can apply in page./ application)
7-     IEnumerable vs IQuadrable
8-     Row by , partition by query
9-     Alter table to add new column with default constraint
10-  How to optimize SQL query
11-  How to write single trigger to do for insert, update and delete
12-  POST vs GET method
13-  Service vs factory in angularjs ( value vs constant)
14-  View and synonyms & triggers

1-     How do you handle multiple submit buttons in ASP.NET MVC Framework?
2-     1-  write code in angular to disable checkbox
3-         ( using angularservice with dependency injection)
4-     2- Overloading
5-     3- boxing unboxing
6-     4- static class and methos
7-     5 abstract class
8-     6- overriding
9-     7- Linq where class
10-  8- Linq get average salary
11-  9-pass by value and pass by reference
12-  Can we create a primary key without a clustered index?
13-  Difference b/w sql 2014 vs 2012,2008 etc.
14-  Func, expression
15-  Delegates vs multicast delegate