Thursday 21 February 2013

Content Controls

Content Controls are mainly parent containers to hold the content. It displays information to the user to be viewed but that generally won't be modified.
It has three main points.
1-Property--->A Property specifies the behavior of object's and  appearance . 
 example,  IsEnabled property 

2-Method--->A method is a code block containing a series of statements
example  CountMethod(), counts the number of items

3-Event--->An event is related when a control raises  that something has to happened. 
 example TextChanged event .

<Label Content="Name Name="lblEmployeeName" Height="25" width="100" />
<Button Name="btnCount" Content="Count" Click="btnCount_Click" /> 

ToolTip: Displays a tooltip for another object. 
<TextBox  Name="txtEmployeeName" Text="" ToolTip="Employee name" />

<Border HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Width="200"Height="200" BorderThickness="2">


Unicode Vs ASCII

Unicode used 16 bit number to store information about Charater & symbols, whereas ascii used 8 bit. thus Unicode can represent more than 65000 characters/symbols as compared to ASCII only 256 characters. Unicode charqacters are standardized to represent most of commonly used languages worldwide including asian/indian languages. This is helping in common standard for document genration in any language independent of any custom software using custom mapping of characters. You can read E-mail message world wide , read message i

Types of controls in WPF

WPF provides total three types of controls.
  1. Content Controls
  2. Item Controls
  3. Layout Controls