Tuesday, 20 November 2018

dotnet interview question part 1

I am posting here dotnet interview question here, which will help those people who are looking for job change.

1-     How do you handle multiple submit buttons in ASP.NET MVC Framework?
2-     1-  write code in angular to disable checkbox
3-         ( using angularservice with dependency injection)
4-     2- Overloading
5-     3- boxing unboxing
6-     4- static class and methos
7-     5 abstract class
8-     6- overriding
9-     7- Linq where class
1-  8- Linq get average salary
1-  9-pass by value and pass by reference
1-  10- Can we create a primary key without a clustered index?
1-  11- Difference b/w sql 2014 vs 2012,2008 etc.
1-  12- Func, expression
1-  13- Delegates vs multicast delegate

1-     What is the difference between char, nchar, varchar, and nvarchar in SQL Server?
2-     Session mode
3-     Ajax vs HTTP and $q service.
4-     Master page value to child page
5-     How to work with multiple module
6-     Digest, watch ad apply ( how many watch we can apply in page./ application)
7-     IEnumerable vs IQuadrable
8-     Row by , partition by query
9-     Alter table to add new column with default constraint
10-  How to optimize SQL query
11-  How to write single trigger to do for insert, update and delete
12-  POST vs GET method
13-  Service vs factory in angularjs ( value vs constant)14-  View and synonyms & triggers