Wednesday 2 June 2021

C# coding interview Link

In this link you will get following  list of interview questions code

Q.1: How to reverse a string?

Q.2: How to find if the given string is a palindrome or not?

Q.3: How to reverse the order of words in a given string?

Q.4: How to reverse each word in a given string?

Q.5: How to count the occurrence of each character in a string?

Q.6: How to remove duplicate characters from a string?

Q.7: How to find all possible substring of a given string?

Q.8: How to perform Left circular rotation of an array?

Q.9: How to perform Right circular rotation of an array?

Q.10: How to find if a positive integer is a prime number or not?

Q.11: How to find the sum of digits of a positive integer?

Q.12: How to find second largest integer in an array using only one loop?

Q.13: How to find third largest integer in an array using only one loop?